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Collegiate Transition

"When you feel like quitting, remember why you started." 


The Collegiate Transition Taskforce (CTT) was established by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated to help increase the transitioning rate of collegiate members to alumnae chapters by serving as a resource for collegiate members to connect with an alumnae chapter before they graduate.


The purpose of CTT is to help guide and foster a sisterly relationship between collegiate and alumnae chapters. 


Courtesy of Watch the Yard Black Greekdom Digital's Yardshow

Welcoming Collegiate Sorors

We are so proud of the work our collegiate Sorors are doing to continue the legacy of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. As our collegiate Sorors transition into their new phase of service, RCAC's Collegiate Transition Taskforce (CTT) bridges the gap  from collegiate to alumnae level by exchanging sisterly activities, collaborations on Delta programs, mentorship, and guidance. 


Collegiate Transition Toolkit

The CTT Toolkit is designed to help collegiate members get relevant information about transitioning into an alumnae chapter.  The CTT has developed a variety of resources that are essential to a successful transition.  Your CTT Toolkit includes: 


  • CTT Checklist - This is a checklist that sets out specific steps based on an all-inclusive timeline that will help you navigate your transitioning process.

  • Chapter Locator - This is a listing of chapters, organized by region.  It also includes details that may be relevant to your alumnae chapter selection, including chapter meeting dates, and information on chapter membership dues.

  • CTT Handbook - This handbook is a full reference guide detailing the importance of transitioning to an alumane chapter.  It includes important resources such as the CTT, in its entirety, and other helpful information.


These documents can be found in the Collegiate Corner section on the password protected Member's Only area of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.'s Southern Region website.  For additional questions, contact the Collegiate Transition Chair.

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